Monday, September 13, 2010

Support your Local Dishwasher

I will be writing about my Labor Day weekend... and The Move, but I'd like to interrupt those posts with a small thing:

While washing a pancake pan, I quickly grabbed the dishsoap bottle and made a small squirt across its animal-shaped pancake molds.

I had to stop for a second because the basic shape looked familiar. I finally realized that it was blood! Not the color of blood, or even the shape blood would make if it happened to drip on a pan, but it was the same shape of the fake blood splatter on the jail cell floor in Support Your Local Sheriff!

Joe Danby: You expect me to sit here in this lousy cell on that...
What is that red stuff all over the floor there?
Jason McCullough: Oh, uh... [waves his boot over the paint] ...that's the poor fella that crossed the line earlier today.

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