Friday, February 26, 2010

Kid's are SO Dumb!! (Mr. Cosby words it better.)

If observing at various schools for my Intro to Teaching class has taught me anything, it's that I should write a book titled "Do you like me? Circle yes or no" and it could be full of random things I've heard in schools.

For example: today I was called "The Magic Lady in Black" by a junior high boy.

Another time, I walked into the 1st grade music room to see an exasperated teacher squatting behind a podium, looking for something. She was so burnt-out, that she didn't even notice (or pay attention to) the cries of the other students when one particularly chubby girl was shaking her backside while standing on her desk.

While grading 3rd grade worksheets, I found one that said in the name blank: