Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Now for a REAL post!

So I've been at camp lately, but I won't be there as much this summer. I took off this week for a break, and I've enjoyed it so far. First, I showed my little brother a little of what a social life as a teenager ought to be...

One day, I took my brother with me so he could get out of the house. He's a good kid, and it's not like it's hard for him to make friends or anything; he just prefers to stay at home on his computer sometimes. We met up with some friends and he paid seven bucks to see Kung Fu Panda, a movie he thought was going to be stupid(It wasn't so bad, though). I almost said, "Joel, when you get a boyfriend, you won't have to pay for things as much." Instead, I told him to be happy to pay for only himself. I felt it only right to buy him dinner later at the mall. Some of my friends live next door to the mall. They know all the fun things to do there, and believe me, there are a lot. We also got soapy and made a slip'n'slide... not at the mall, at their house. I brought Joel home past midnight, way later than he's used to staying up, and felt like a good big-sister, even if he wished he had more sleep that night.
Yesterday, I was at my significant other's house. Let's just call him... Timmy. We made cookies. I brought all the ingredients, and we had to use a Glad storage container and a fancy serving spoon for tools because well, I'd say Tim knows his way around his kitchen only a little more than I know my way around his kitchen. We watched the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III and laughed at how April O'Neil's full-length Japanese soldier outfit turned into a ridiculous short skirt by the end of the movie. When siblings got loud upstairs, we retired to the coldest part of the house, the floor of the basement. I don't remember how it started, but we ended up playing a random game of Truth or Dare. Tim got to hear the worst parts about being a girl, and I was forced to pick my nose (only daring him to lick my finger in return). It was then that it really hit me.
"You're my best friend... did you know that?"
"Yeah. You're mine."
He'd never take the place of my girls, and he knows that, but I remember now why I picked him out. Though a lot of guys like to be funny, not many would be willing to put up with being silly all the time.


Rachel said...

YOU are the truth or dare champion!

beth said...

I heart you. I want you to come back to