Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So a long time back, I had one of them xanga contraptions. I kinda liked it, because it was simple and I could write a lot in it. It got unpopular when myspace came around which in turn got unpopular when facebook came along, but there's not a good place to write in those. It's all "Janie is no longer listed as single! ...hey, everybody! Janie is no longer listed as single!" anyway, I still wrote some in my xanga. Just because the whole idea of a deserted website was intriguing, even though it's not deserted really. It's like... when one area on the playground in grade school was the cool place to hang out for a while, it was SO full of kids, and then the really cool kids found a new place to play, and everyone decided that was way cooler. I was the kid who liked to go back to the "cool" places and hang out. I'd love it because the place wasn't any less cool, it just was empty, and sometimes I liked that.

Anyway, so I decided instead of being a total loser and hanging out by myself when I write, I'll share my ideas with you guys and then I could get feedback and read your stuff too.

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