Saturday, October 8, 2011


Tim put himself on a diet about a month ago. It's part of this whole fitness program he wants to go through. It's hard to cook meals with extremely limited fats and carbs, but it's good for Tim.
It could be pretty annoying, BUT he's very willing to cook his own things most of the time, and helps think of groceries. It's also a convenient time because I eat several small meals a day anyway, so it's like we're both on our own. Another benefit is that he's also forced to be creative about possible meals.

As a result, I wanted to brag about some of the meals we've had lately. Last night, I cut up a pineapple. Tim grilled tilapia in some of that Mae Ploy sweet chili sauce, and then grilled pinapple on top. It was actually pretty amazing, and I cooked alongside him, substituting chicken in for the meat in my skillet. The night before it was Cajun spiced turkey patties with sweet corn on the cob. Here's a picture of Tim's lunch one of the past days:
I don't like shrimp or mushrooms, but it definitely looked delicious!

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