Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another Thought I like to Think

"You can tell you're in Kansas when..." is something that always runs through my head when something seemingly normal happens, and then I realize that if I weren't a Kansan, I'd think it was strange.
I came up with three such phrases in a single trip in my car yesterday when each of the following actually happened:

"You can tell you're in Kansas when it's raining when you leave the school, then it's really sunny, and then it rains again, and is sunny again before you arrive at your destination."

"You can tell you've spent most of your life in Kansas when you go over an overpass and your ears pop from the altitude change."

"You can tell you're in Kansas when you're on the highway and you drive past a farmer (in typical farmer wear) with his hands in his pockets surveying the task before him. Which, of course, is to replace a wooden billboard with a sign that reads "GOD LOVES YOU!" in giant red letters."


Anonymous said...

I too drove buy a typical overalled farmer, hands in pockets, surveying his field yesterday. It made me laugh at how set up it looked-- like the Truman Show;

Steve said...

Maybe we Kansans are just Guinna pigs in a cosmic soap opera