Wednesday, March 4, 2009

YOU (fill in the blank)!!!

This is in response to another post's claim that Joel won at the YOU _______! comments. My boyfriend and my little brother are similar in many ways. One way is these jokes. I often will come home only to hear the same things from Joel that I heard from Tim earlier in the day. Here are some of his best:

Grace (about a coat I liked): "It had every aspect I love all wrapped up in one coat!"
Tim: "You have every aspect I love all wrapped up in one WOMAN! (of course, all in his creepiest voice)

Grace: Those hay bales look dangerously tipsy.
Tim: You look dangerously tipsy!

Grace: Now you have two bags to carry.
Tim: Your mom has two bags... under her eyes!

Grace: I just really hope this all works out.
Tim: I really hope you work out!

Well... tell me what you think. Do I have basis for my claim that Tim could give Joel a run for his money?

1 comment:

jennyG said...

Wow.. those are mighty clever. Geez you gots a clever boyfriend. Wish i could come up with that sort of thing on the spot. ha!