Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cat Farm

I wish I had pictures for this post, but I don't, so you'll just have to bear with me.

So you know how most front doors actually have two doors? On a typical house, one might see a glass/screen door, followed by a pretty wooden door, and when you leave one open, it's okay because there's still a glass door.

Anyway, our house is in the country and we like to have very open windows so lots of sunlight can be let in. As some might say, "We're not really drapes." OUR front door is a glass storm door, followed by a glass door with a wooden frame.

Our pets like to whine to be let in on the other side of our storm door.

Recently, my father added one of those fancy contraptions to our outside door. You know the type: It has a tube and uses air to keep the door from slamming... and then towards the end it shuts quickly? Yeah, normal people have those, and we just got one!

Yesterday, we all came home from a trip to Halstead, and by the time we were all inside taking our boots off, the outside door was still wide open. The cat was a little too late to sneak inside, and got the main door slammed in her face. "Look at the cat!" my dad said, with an anticipating grin on his face. We all watched and waited for the cat to realize what was happening before she took off running, but she just continued to meow and beg to be let in.
Finally, the door slammed shut with just enough time for her to pull her tail in. She turned around with a bewildered expression on her face (if cats can have expressions) and we all laughed at her.
"What are those things called when you have pet ants?" my dad asked. "Ant farms?" I said. "Well, this is a cat farm!"

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