Saturday, February 7, 2009

How I Live Now

Life has changed immensely, as I thought it might, and I have some major changes I'd like to put into a list.
  1. I live with my Grandma. It's very close to the El Dorado campus (where all my classes are) and I couldn't ask for a better place to be this semester.
  2. TV has replaced wireless internet as Thing to Occupy Grace's Evenings. Although I can't facebook, email, or blog as often, I find that the TV is less addictive, something I can do homework with. It will be a good experience to not waste the time I have on the internet.
  3. I am in class 24 hours a week, and I work 12 hours a week. Excluding weekends, I try to sleep 40 hours during a week. When you add 6 hours of driving, that's 82 out of 120 hours in my week. That leaves me a little less than 8 hours a day to eat, make/pack meals, shower, use the restroom, get dressed, and do homework. Mirtill told me that it's still not as much as high school, so I probably shouldn't complain.
  4. I got a job through the school sewing costumes for the theater department. It's fun work, and I find myself wanting to sew more things at home, not just tunics and man-tights.
As I am trying to get into the swing of things, I will probably find time for blogging soon.

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