The fair was pretty great, and we practiced being foreign, wearing Hungarian T-shirts, drinking Incan Cola, not smiling, and using what little we knew of Spanish, Italian, French, and German.
We also took this video of a Llama standing majestically in front of a fan while it chewed its cud:
We got lost in the RV display, got ripped off on purpose...
but most importantly... we got free stuff.
There's just something about shuffling past booths and looking at all the free stuff that makes you think, "A free pencil?! Yeah! I want one!" even though it's usually just a bunch of junk you'll just end up having to find a place for later. "Well, I'm home from the fair, guess I should sort through my sack-o-junk!"
Anyway, I was pretty good about resisting Propane's little deluxe toothpicks in cool plastic containers, or the pretzel dip samples, but I had my moment while Tim and I were lost near the anti-abortion booth. While relying on Tim's height to spot Joel or Jon, I was confronted by an old man holding probably the ugliest free item at the fair. He offered it to me, and I gladly accepted. It was by far the most interesting thing I could've picked up, and this booth wasn't exactly handing these away like candy (or should I say temporary tattoos?). What the man gave me was actually a rubber fetus, no longer than my thumb. He informed me that it was the actual size of a 12 week old fetus (and anatomically correct). He then noticed Tim and, to my shock said, "Now you two have a baby!" We shared some nervous laughter before stashing the thing in my bag and pushing through the crowds.
Here is us with our new arrival:
The happy family
Her name was Gloria. I had to endure countless mother jokes from Joel and Tim, and he would often shove it against my stomach to what he thought was "back where it belonged." We finally decided that the teasing was not only getting old, but that it was slightly disturbing.
We were through with the jokes, but what would we do about Gloria?
But I mean, what are you going to do with a rubber fetus anyway?
The Operation (don't worry, her sole purpose in being created was to turn people AGAINST abortion; we weren't going to get rid of her)
Now Gloria can live without being too much trouble, and
that is probably the most horrifying thing I've
Seriously...I would be really creeped out by a guy handing me rubber fetus and telling me that now I have a baby.
Oh, and I'd be creeped out by Gloria swinging along with the rest of your key chains...teehee.
Seriously twisted. Well done, Grace! :-)
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