The family jumped at the idea of a croquet game, after I quoted this creepy character.
While croquet is a simple game, it is the social part of it that gets me every time. The simple strategies of the game cause some (mostly me) to get slightly competitive. Then again, maybe it's always been an excuse to fight. C'mon, what other game do you hear your own mother say "Alright, Joel, you can come around here, and hit Grace, and then..."
As for the other half, that'd be the jokes. At one point, Daddy said,"Hey look, everyone! It's my caddy dog! ...C'mere, Major!" Major then walked sheepishly towards my dad. Maybe it was that he was the source of a joke and that everyone was looking at him, but I think mostly it was the croquet mallet placed through his collar, turning his walk into a waddle.
Of course, there's always the sitting on the croquet mallets...
...the puns "Here Tim, you can have green." "Okay! ... or should I say croquet?!"
...And of course, what family game of croquet wouldn't be complete without someone yelling "And then Uncle Harold's croquet mallet flew UP into the AIR!" before reenacting the scene from Shelly Duvall's Bedtime Story, Albert's Bad Word.
Very nice post-game coverage, only do me a favor, and delete that disturbing third picture forever!
haha its funnt because we do the thing with the pushing down the grass aswell
we played croquet at the end of LAST summer...but it was a rare event. so fun.
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