Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How it went down
I didn't care. I wasn't expecting a "What must I do to be saved?!" moment or anything. I only knew that this was my best shot at expressing my concern for him, and at the same time, the importance of my God in my life. How could I expect his reaction to be much different from my own when I received that same Bible?
I was, however, very satisfied with what happened. He seemed a little intrigued, wanted to give it back when he found out what it was to me, then finally accepted it, realizing that it was something special.
I'm satisfied.
God will do what He wants now, and I will wait.
Friday, March 19, 2010
My Bible
The Bible
I learned to read in Kindergarten. I was pretty proud of myself for accomplishing something before any of my classmates did. I distinctly remember visiting my great grandma afterwards, and feeling that pride swell up inside me as my parents told her. “Grace learned to read this week!” my dad shouted into her hearing aid. “What?” she asked. “GRACE LEARNED TO READ!!” With that, she nodded and turned to her bookshelf. “Read this.” she said, as she pulled out a little Bible. Then, with a very shaky hand, she filled out the “Presented to” page. (afterwards, I wrote “when I learned to read” in the “occasion” blank with a childish scrawl and a gold gel pen.)
There was nothing special about that Bible. It was your typical cheap maroon book with “Holy Bible” stamped on the front in gold letters. The gold on the side of the pages had begun to wear off, completely gone now, and there was a strange green-ish stain on the side. There was nothing special about the appearance of the book, but it was special to me. It was a free gift, and it was mine! I felt honored that my great grandmother would give me something of my very own. Nevertheless, I put it in my room, by my bed and never read it for years.
My sparkly Adventure Bible came with me to church every week and to summer camp, where I got saved. I learned to improve my reading skills, but I still didn’t read the Bible. My life didn’t change much. I began to doubt my salvation in steadily increasing amounts. As the Holy Spirit’s prompting grew, I stayed awake at night, when I didn’t have distractions, thinking about God and hell. I wondered if God was even real… then I panicked with the thought that maybe He was real, and I was going to go to hell because I didn’t think He was! One night when I was 12, I was so scared, that I turned on my lamp, and picked up that old Bible to read a passage. It was a pretty random passage, Acts 1, I think, but it comforted me. Although it was an ordinary passage, it came with the promise of Christ’s return, directed to me personally! This was the first time I experienced the Bible as “living and active.” Given no time to contemplate it, though, all I knew was that things got better when I read the Bible.
Thus began my nightly devotions. As I started to see that God is very real and willing to know me on a personal level, the old Bible’s sentimental value began to grow. I still had other Bibles I used for taking to church and camp, or some left upstairs for family devotions, but this one was the perfect size for reading by myself. It makes sense, then, that every small epiphany I had in my faith happened while reading that Bible.
The plan
I have made a good friend at school since my very first art class at
I’m ready to make it uncomfortable again.
I realized suddenly last Thursday that I need to give him my Bible. It has to be my special Bible; no other one would have the same meaning. It only makes sense that I share. He never would have known how great vanilla crème cookies from the vending machine were unless I shared with him. I did, and now he knows that they’re great. Jesus is great too. Why not share?
It has been harder than I thought. I cried a lot after I decided to give my Bible away. It’s one of my top three prized possessions, and I had planned to carry it with my bouquet down the aisle next June. I don’t own another soft, small Bible, and it will be missed. It wasn’t a big deal when I received it, but years later it became important to me. Maybe it could be that for someone else.
Pray for this.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Ho Malone III
then... ANOTHER blog went TOO far!! (music gets intense)
Then... a final blog decided to go where NO BLOG has gone BEFORE!
...not really
...It decided to push an old joke EVEN further!!!
This SPRING... Join Grace Page as she is...

I was at the Duncan's yesterday for lunch, and my aunt and uncle had to meet some people somewhere. They suddenly left five young people around the table, home alone. "Butt! Butt! Fart!" someone yelled mischievously! Then Sarah got up and flicked the lights on and off with a huge grin on her face.

On another note, my mother worked very hard to re-varnish our kitchen floor! (Don't worry, mom! I didn't leave that footprint I thought I did!) Yesterday I wore socks, and in the one step it takes on the kitchen floor to get from the carpet to the bathroom, I almost fell. I guess it's easy to underestimate the varnish-y-ness! I then tried to purposely ice skate, and found myself inches from hitting my head on our "very rugged" chandelier! I guess it's a lot lower than it seems when hanging above a dining room table!